Friday, December 31, 2100

Welcome to

Dedicated to the Practice of Polymathy

The possession of learning in many fields.

Your host is John Lind. Here you will find a variety of posting on various topics spanning a wide range of activities and knowledge, some of which you will find quite esoteric, but for some it should be educational and useful. It wouldn't be polymathy if it weren't. I'm leaving this as the top posting to provide a permanent introduction. I will use labels to assist in getting to various different types of subject material.

I have two other blogs that have been set aside for hobbies/pastimes and films, two topics which can span a wide range of sub-topics on their own. They have their own sub-domains. These are their links:

Wristwatch styles, reviews and commentary:

Film reviews and cinema commentary:

The main blog (this web site):

Enjoy, learn and find some useful knowledge that can come in handy.


Welcome to

Dedicated to the Practice of Polymathy Polymathy: The possession of learning in many fields. Your host is John Lind. Here you wi...